About modal window widget

We already know about Modal windows and their behaviour, I was very much inspired by Lightbox and trying to use similar for my About screen, that is to show the About me in modal window.
Thanks to Ericmmartin for the Simple modal window script.

 Demo can be viewed at http://ceblogs.blogspot.com/,click the About link in right side bar to view the window.


  • Save the template and click the below button to add the About Widget

  • Save the page elements, thats it we are done.

  • The code written in page element inside div "basicModalContent" is subject to change, change as per your imagination and requirement.

  • Edit basic.css for style changes in the window.

  • To close the window click the X button in the right top corner.

  • Dont forget to upload the basic.css and the x png image if you are using scripts from your domain.

This widget works fine with IE7 and Firefox 1.5+, I have not tested in other browsers.


  1. If i download the scripts from the mentioned site, The widget is not working for me.

  2. Instead of downloading basic.js from the mentioned site, please take it from http://iqrajesh.googlepages.com/basic.js, Since the basic.js has been changed in order to work with the "a" tag.


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