Detect Pocket PC Offline status

Currently facing issue with getting notification for pocket pc going offline, that its out of the WIFI range. Compact framework 1.0 doesn't have support for providing such notifications, but 2.0 has ping classes to support these functionalities.

My goal is to achieve the same with 1.0 version of my project, tried with pinging available servers from the pocket pc, but able to send raw bytes to the server and not able to receive from the other end. Suddenly i got a bulb glowing above my head.
Whenever any portable device enter into any hotspot then its allocated with the dns assignd IP address, so by handling the device IP info we can easily trace out whether its WIFI connected or not, if its connected then it will have dns assigned IP otherwise it will hold "" local host.

Keep on polling your device IP info if its local host then you are out of WIFI range.
Beaware of staticaly assigned IP address it wont in that case.
